I love the Olympics and confess to letting them distract me from writing and working in the evenings after work. For shame on me! But they’re just so fun! There are adorable gold-medal winning swimmers. (Hello, Nathan Adrian!) The fab five female gymnasts. Adorable British accents around every turn. And so much more! This is some fun, this London Olympics.

And it looks likes the viewers aren’t the only ones have fun. Check out this video of the US Swim Team doing “Call Me Maybe.”
Lest you think it’s all fun and games on the road to the Olympics, here’s another video of aspiring athletes showing … well … why they didn’t quite make the team.
Are you watching the games? What are your favorite sports to watch? Who are you rooting for?
you know i’m not a sports fan so i don’t watch the olympics much…unless it’s the winter olympics!
thank you for that bloopers video. just what i needed to revive my monday afternoon. it was pretty hard to keep things under control while watching this at my desk at work…
That was crazy funny. thanks for sharing E.