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  • Nate. In Real Life.

    If you’ve read my newest book, Vanishing Act, you’ve met Nate Andersen, FBI hero extraordinaire. Nate is just the right amount of tough guy and sensitive spirit. In fact, it’s his sensitive side that makes him decide not to pursue Danielle Keating because he feels sure that he’ll break her heart. He’s certain that he’ll repeat past mistakes and continue a legacy he’d rather forget.

    And while that wasn’t always part of Nate’s story and developed as I explored the story, there is one thing about Nate that never changed. His face.

    From the moment I met Nate as I was writing The Kidnapping of Kenzie Thorn, I knew that Nate looked just like my favorite musician. Brandon Heath.

    And this week, I got to meet Nate’s real life counterpart. Brandon was playing at the Bluebird in Nashville, and my sweet friend Katie got us reservations to see the awesome show. The Bluebird holds about 75 people, so after the show I found my way over to Brandon, gave him a signed copy of Vanishing Act, and got him to sign a copy of VA back to me! And get this … he said his mom named him after the hero in a romance novel! I love it!

    So what was it like to meet kind-of-Nate in real life? Two words. AWE. SOME.

    Brandon was excellent! Super-genuine and just so kind. In such an intimate venue, his amazing talent was even more evident than usual. He’ll be a favorite of mine for ages! And not just because he seemed genuinely honored to be the face of my hero.


    Happy Vanishing Act Day!

    Hey there, fun-seekers! Today is the big day! It’s the official release date of Vanishing Act.

    *dancing wildly around the room*

    Okay, okay, I’m  done with the happy dance … for the moment.

    To kick off the day with a bang, here are some great reviews already up and running. Thanks to everyone who’s read and reviewed it and told your friends about it. You guys rock my socks off!



    Thanks again! And if you see a copy of my book out there, give me a shout out. I’d love to know!

    The reviews are coming in …

    Well, folks, the reviews for Vanishing Act are starting to roll in … very slowly. But still.

    The first official review (ie, posted on the interwebs) is up at Tammy’s Book Parlor. And according to Tammy’s blog, it’s also going up on ReadersFavorites.com. It’s just not there yet.

    Here’s a snippet of what Tammy had to say:
    A fast, sweet, intrigue with romance and great suspense. I enjoyed reading this book because of the suspense but I also liked the way the author put God as the main source of life and joy. Yes, I believe, a good suspense story can include a God who loves us and takes care of us. If you’re looking for a great read that doesn’t have cuss words or inappropriate bedroom scenes but instead is a story of people somewhat like you and me who trust the Lord during difficult times then this is a book for you.

    Thanks for the review, Tammy!

    Friday Favorite – My birthday is a month away!!!

    In case you didn’t pick it up from the headline, my birthday is just a month away! And while I’m not as young as I once was (who is?), I’m still in the mood to celebrate. And to kick this party off, I thought that I could give you a gift!

    So we’re going to do an impromptu giveaway of my new book, Vanishing Act–before it’s available to purchase!

    Here’s the deal. Leave a comment on this post with your favorite birthday gift (to give or get), and I’ll pick one winner on Monday, June 28 (so make sure you leave your comment by Sunday night). I’ll even personalize and sign it for you, or someone you want to give it to as a gift!

    So get ready for a little pre-Liz’s birthday celebration!

    Time for a BHeath Moment

    I figure it’s about time for a Brandon Heath moment. Seriously … it’s been far too long, and now that I live in the same city as him, it seems like we should have these more often. And since Vanishing Act appeared this weekend, I thought it was the perfect time for just such a moment.

    What does Brandon Heath have to do with my new book?

    More than you might think. No, he hasn’t endorsed it yet. (Amy, that’s a nudge to you, to help Brandon with that little task.) 🙂 But he is the model for my hero, Special Agent in Charge Nate Andersen.

    And wouldn’t you know it, I’ve had a BHeath song going through my mind. All week. The only problem is that it’s not been released yet. I’ve heard him perform it twice, and I LOVE it. I’m hoping it’ll be on his new album this fall. But for now my only option is to look it up on YouTube. So here’s the only video I can find of “Only Water.” Enjoy!

    It’s official! I have a cover!

    Okay, guys! I’m super-excited to share the cover of my new book, Vanishing Act! My new Love Inspired Suspense comes out in August, and it now officially has a cover designed by the awesome art department over at Steeple Hill. And when you read the book (and, of course, you all will!), you’ll see how perfectly the image fits the scene in the story. Without further ado … here it is!


    Friday Favorite – Being Available for Preorder!

    In the life of every author there’s a moment of pure joy that makes all the hours of brainstorming and nail biting and hair pulling worth it. It’s the moment when you realize that your book is finally, actually, truly available to be purchased. That happened for me this week when I realized that my next book, Vanishing Act, is available for preorder on Amazon.com and CBD.com! It officially releases August 10, but it looks like CBD might start shipping them out at the beginning of August.

    I don’t have any cover art to share yet (but I’ve seen the first draft, and it looks AWE-some!) but I can still give you a sneak preview about the book. Here’s the synopsis:

    Eighteen months ago, Nora James watched as her father was shot in
    an alley-and then she fled. She changed her name, her appearance
    and her job, hoping to keep her father’s shooter at bay. For months,
    it worked…but now her luck has run out. A ruthless assassin is on
    her trail, and soon Nora, now known as Danielle, will be found. But
    this time, she has FBI agent Nate Andersen by her side-right? The
    handsome agent would give his life to protect Danielle, but he’s wary
    of giving his heart…until a deadly confrontation leaves him with
    both on the line.

    Stay tuned this spring and summer for giveaways to celebrate the release. So glad to get to share this with you. 🙂