I love my dad. I mean, I wish that was a normal response for everyone, but it’s not. So I know how really blessed I am. My dad is pretty cool. He cares about people more than anyone else I’ve ever met, and he’s smart, too … which comes in handy when I need a hand updating my resume or have a business question to ask. And I can always count on my dad to be up at 3a.m. on Black Friday to stand in lines with my brother to get the sales. You’ll never find me out there, but that’s one of the cool things about my dad. Plus, we pretty much share the same sense of humor.
That’s a good thing for us. Not so much for my mom. 🙂
So earlier this year, I visited my family back in Arizona. My mom had to work a couple nights that I was home, so my dad and I decided we’d watch a movie together at home. But what were we up for?
We finally settled on Back to the Future. It’s been ages since I’ve seen any of the three flicks. We had a good laugh and figured we’d watch the Back to the Futher III the next night. It was awesome! I forgot how much I enjoyed those movies. (Not the 2nd so much, but hey … they can’t all be winners.)
When I stumbled on this video of Tom Wilson, who plays Biff, I figured I’d offer this video in honor of my dad. Enjoy!
What do you and your dad like to do together?