In honor of the concert that Amy, our friend Tracy, and I will be attending tonight, I’ve chosen Chris Tomlin as today’s Friday Favorite. We’re headed up to Denver to the Wells Fargo Theater with our front row tickets to enjoy a little love from his Hello Love album!
Now Amy, Tracy, and I all went to see Chris back in early 2008–long before Amy I were roommates–when he was on the How Great Is Our God tour with Louie Giglio (another one of my faves!). But that time we got to the church a little late, and the seats weren’t reserved by ticket, so we ended up sitting in the nose-bleed section. Tonight we’ll be able to tell if Chris has a drop of sweat on his nose! Looking forward to it.
Of course Amy used some of her mad-skills and got us backstage passes, and we got to meet Chris and Louie. Amazing night all around. Hoping this night will be just as great! Love Chris’s worship songs. I always leave his concerts feeling like I’m stepping out of a church service.