When I was in high school my dad told me about the day that President Kennedy was shot. It was unforgetable for him, and he told me how he was in high school English class, how he’d always remember that moment.
I couldn’t imagine ever living through a moment so memorable. And then I was a junior in college working out on an eliptical at the fitness center on campus watching the news, confounded how a plane could have crashed into the World Trade Center. Then as other students and I watched those tiny screens, we saw that second plane hit. And in a moment, I understood what my dad meant when he said he he’d never forget that day in November 1963.
So I just wanted to say to all the families who lost loved ones 8 years ago today that my prayers are with you. I appreciate what the NYPD, FDNY, and all the other men and women serving that day did. Thank you!