It’s hard to say when my obsession with Diet Dr. Pepper started. It was probably back when the slogan was something like “Tastes more like regular Dr. Pepper.”
But I’m not a big fan of the taste of regular DP. Nope, I love the diet stuff. Seriously! It’s way better tasting with none of the calories. Score!
There’s something so wonderful about the the carbination and the sweet flavor. It’s like having a dessert, only you drink it! I can’t go more than a couple days without one. (Course that’s probably because of the caffeine.)
If you haven’t tried a Diet DP lately, I highly recommend you do.
Who needs coffee when there’s a DDP around until next time? -LJ
Interesting. I grew up with Dr. Pepper as my softdrink of choice. It’s probably at least as popular as Coke in both New Mexico and Louisiana, where I spent the majority of the first 21 years of my life. But then I moved to Northern Virginia/Washington DC. I was heartbroken to discover that it was a rare restaurant that served my favorite soda. That broke me of it a little. And now that diet sodas are the only kind I drink, it’s usually Diet Coke, since that’s more readily available. But one of my favorite treats is to go to Sonic and get a large Diet Dr. Pepper (extra ice!) with a splash of cherry flavoring. YUMMY!
Ooo … DDP with a splash of cherry. Yum! I’ll have to try that. 🙂
we don’t even have this in canada 🙁
I like the new Diet Dr. Pepper with cherry. But I’m a diet coke girl by heart! =)
Diet is all your mama lets me drink. When I find it on sale, It’s all about DDP. Diet Coke is a substitute, when necessary. I’m gratified knowing that my children are walking in my steps. Love you!