How do you deal with rejection?
I’ve recently been rejected. And not even by a boy. (That would imply that there had been a boy in my life to reject me. But I’m not bitter. 🙂 But I digress …)
Rejection is part of every author’s life, and after 2 recent rejections by publishers, I guess I’m really part of the writing club. But it doesn’t make it any easier to have a publisher say (and I’m paraphrasing here), “Lovely story, but we don’t like you, so we’re not going to offer you any money for your book. In fact, even if you paid us, we wouldn’t publish your manuscript, giving it covers and offering it to bookstores everywhere so people coule acutally read it. We think if we did that, buyers would be more likely to line their cat litter boxes with the pages than read it.”
I may have exagerated slightly here, but you get the picture.
So quite recently I’ve received news that 2 major publishers have rejected 2 different proposals, submitted by my agent on my behalf. This rejection isn’t unlike being rejected by a cute boy you’d like to date or not getting the job that you’ve dreamed of.
So how do you deal with rejection?
Seriously. I need your input.
Just think to yourself that they obvs didn’t see how ~awesome you are and missed out on the “next big thing”
okay seriously, rejection is hard. ((LOL at the whole guy bit :P)) I guess the best advice I’ve ever been given ((and have given out)) is that when you hit rock bottom ((in your case rejected twice)), the only way to go is up 🙂
keep on trucking! <3
honestly, I don’t get rejected because I don’t try anything! at least you’re putting yourself out there, keep it up!
Okay. Just been there, too. Frosty Floats and loud music help (although last time the loud music included “it’s only in your…DREAMS!” which wasn’t the best thing to hear at that point). Betsy just posted about this too, and here’s what I posted on her blog: It also helps to remind myself that all things work together for good if we love God. So if a rejection or something happens that doesn’t seem so good, it’s a good time to take a look: 1. What are some ways that God could be doing me a favor here? and 2. Did this happen because I am NOT really loving God right now and He’s trying to remind me what my focus should be?
But even though I try to be an optimistic, even-keel type person, yeah, it still hurts. So I think it’s okay to growl for a while. Maybe even throw something that’s not breakable. 🙂