Greetings and welcome to I Write About Love and Such.
I’m delighted that you’re visiting my online home, and I hope that you’ll come back frequently. To help you navigate your way through the posts to come, allow me to present …
The Cast of (Frequent) Characters:
Liz Johnson – I’ll be your host on this tour through my life and my publishing journey. I’m a sometimes writer, an infrequent jogger, a full-time publicist, and always loved by God. I live in Colorado Springs, CO and have a novel scheduled to release in July 2009 from Steeple Hill Love Inspired Suspense.

Amy – My coworker and housemate, who frequently gets me hooked on new TV shows, goes ice skating with me, and has the world’s worst–and by that I mean, best–puns.
Mom and Dad – Also known as Twila and Don. They live in Arizona in the same city where I grew up.
Hannah – My sister, who makes fun of me for using words like “delightful” and “lovely” in every-day speech, but I love her anyway. She’s married to John and is the mom to 2 of my beautiful nieces.
Micah – My computer wizard of a brother. (Seriously … Amy calls him Micah the Awesome because he literally set up our wireless network from 1100 miles away.) He and his wife Beth are the parents of a little girl and boy.
Jess – My Monday night writing buddy and coworker. She keeps me writing at least once a week and makes me laugh at least a couple times a day. She also gets me on board with under-appreciated movies and TV shows like Pushing Daisies, which I’m going to miss terribly.
Katie and Stephanie – I first became acquainted with these sisters when Katie, a coworker, asked if I’d like to join them in hunting for a quality singles group at our church. Then they invited me over to watch Veronica Mars on dvd. Over 60 episodes later, and these ladies have become awesome friends.
My Mr. Right – I haven’t met him yet … I don’t think. But I hope to … soon.