I didn’t call my dad today. I didn’t send him a card or a gift or anything. Shame on me.
But we talked for about 30 minutes on the phone yesterday, which must count for something. Right? Well, in order to make up for my bad-daughter status, I thought I’d wish my daddio a huge Happy Father’s Day on my blog. And, taking a cue from Amy, I thought I’d offer a couple things I’m really thankful for about my dad.
1. I’m glad we share a similar sense of humor. We must have laughed for at least half of our talk yesterday. Usually we have good chuckles about movies and embarrassing things we’ve done lately. But I can always count on Dad to laugh at my jokes. We repeat the same one-liners and still laugh at You’ve Got Mail’s best line–“Cause it makes my apartment smell mossy!”
2. When I go back to Arizona to visit, my dad and I usually bond at a movie. We generally go see something that Mom isn’t interested in so that we get to hang out just the two of us. I love that we have a special time just to talk alone.
3. Dad was the first person in my family to read The Kidnapping of Kenzie Thorn long before it was under contract. He told me I wouldn’t find him buying that kind of book at the store, but he was really proud of me. And he told me he believed I would get published.
4. When my publisher did call, Dad was the first call I made. I told him I was scared. What if they were turning me down? He told me it would be okay. Told me that whatever happened, God was still in control. He promised to pray for me … which is I’m sure why my nerves were so much calmer as I talked to my editors. Sure enough, they were offering me a contract. And when I hung up, my dad was the first person I called. He celebrated with me like no one else could.
5. He’s one of the friendliest people I know. At church every Sunday he walks down every row greeting people–and even takes my oldest niece with him most weeks. He really exemplifies loving others and a caring heart.
6. He always gives good advice–but only when I ask for it. 🙂
7. He writes the best coverletters and resumes I’ve ever seen. He always helped me write mine when I was still living at home. Even after. I’d probably have a had a grand total of no jobs since college without him.
And there are a hundred other things I love about you. The Johnson genes run strong, and I’m proud to carry them.
Love you,
You remind me so much of my mom, grandma Marion. I am the proudest daddio in the world. You continue to take the torch of faith and wave it high, with zeal and conviction. I am so proud of you.