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  • Monday Movie – More from our favorite Jane

    emma-kate-beckinsaleAfter my recent move, I was looking for someone to share my affection for Jane Austen. I needed a friend to watch the most romantic movies ever with. So last weekend I invited a new friend over, and she brought her collection of Jane Austen movies. We watched an older version of Emma, staring Kate Beckinsale in the title role. I’d never seen it before, so I was eager to watch it.

    Apparently my enthusiasm was misguided. In this 1996 version of the story that I have enjoyed in every other version I’ve seen it, neither Emma or our hero Mr. Knightley are likable characters. Knightley is played with such intensity, that every time we see him, he’s either brooding or lecturing Emma. We miss all the humor and playfulness of Knightley in the other versions of Emma. And the actor playing Knightley isn’t what I would picture as an Austen hero. He’s got nothing on Jeremy Northam amr-knightleynd Jonny Lee Miller.

    And Emma wasn’t any better. Always so serious, her intentions seemed self-serving, never for the best for her friends.

    Don’t get me started on the creepy lines in the movie either, like at the end when Knightley says to Emma, “I held you when you were 3 weeks old.” And she responds, “Do you like me as well now as you did then?”

    And the continued brother/sister comments. We know that they grew up close, but there’s no need to keep the comments coming. Just plain creepy.

    sense-and-sensibility-2008Oh, and the close of the movie … it just w o u l d n ‘  t  e n d. The scenes just kept coming. And coming.

    If you’re looking for a good version of Emma, check out the one with Gwenyth Paltrow or the new one with Jonny Lee Miller and Romola Garai. Those are both much more enjoyable.

    So then this weekend, I invited my friend over again, this time to watch Sense and Sensibility, a 2008 version I hadn’t seen yet. This one was really excellent. Nearly three hours of beautiful landscapes and coast shots and a very, very handsome Edward. Well-acted and well-filmed, it was fun to watch.

    And while the actresses who played Eleanor and Marianne were really great in the roles, there were moments when I felt like they were playing Emma Thompson and Kate Winslet, who stared in those roles in the quintessential Sense and Sensibility directed by Ang Lee. I quite enjoyed this one, and I think you might too.

    Time for a BHeath Moment

    I figure it’s about time for a Brandon Heath moment. Seriously … it’s been far too long, and now that I live in the same city as him, it seems like we should have these more often. And since Vanishing Act appeared this weekend, I thought it was the perfect time for just such a moment.

    What does Brandon Heath have to do with my new book?

    More than you might think. No, he hasn’t endorsed it yet. (Amy, that’s a nudge to you, to help Brandon with that little task.) 🙂 But he is the model for my hero, Special Agent in Charge Nate Andersen.

    And wouldn’t you know it, I’ve had a BHeath song going through my mind. All week. The only problem is that it’s not been released yet. I’ve heard him perform it twice, and I LOVE it. I’m hoping it’ll be on his new album this fall. But for now my only option is to look it up on YouTube. So here’s the only video I can find of “Only Water.” Enjoy!

    Teaser Tuesday – Sleepaway Girls

    teaser_tuesdays1MizB of Should Be Reading hosts the Teaser Tuesdays weekly event

    Here are the rules:
    * Grab your current read
    * Let the book fall open to a random page
    * Share with us two (2) “teaser” sentences from that page, somewhere between lines 7 and 12
    *You also need to share the title of the book that you’re getting your “teaser” from … that way people can have some great book recommendations if they like the teaser you’ve given!
    * Please avoid spoilers!

    This week’s teaser is:
    ” Since it was a special occasion, we were eating outisde on the picnic tables by the lake. Someone had hung up  twinkling white Christmas lights on the trees surrounding the tables, and it looked like thousands of fireflights lighting up the sky.”
    pg. 112  – Sleepaway Girls by Jen Calonita

    – I picked up this book after trying to read another YA, which happened to be riddled with angst and when I jumped to the back, proved to have a not-so-happily-ever-after ending. So I picked up Sleepaway Girls, hoping for a sweet, light read that would put a smile on my face. I wasn’t disappointed. 🙂 While not perfect, this book was just as sweet and predictable as I was hoping for. I highly recommend for lightweight beach read.


    Vanishing Act Appears!

    It’s like a mixed-up magic show! 🙂 (Sorry, inside joke.)

    This weekend, I had a thrilling experience! Friday evening I was watching some TV (Big Time Rush to be exact) and I got a knock on my door, and there was a dude in brown shorts, delivering four boxes of my new book!!! Yay!

    I called my mom right away, and we talked for almost an hour. (Not just about my book.) And I’ve finally downloaded the pictures, so you can share in my joy! Let the celebrations begin.

    Friday Favorite – Watching dreams become reality

    For as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to visit Prince Edward Island. Not familiar with PEI?

    It’s a little island on the Atlantic shore of Canada, which holds some of the most beautiful shores in the world.


    And it’s where one of my favorite books/movies is set. Anne of Green Gables may be the most famous export from the island, and it’s the reason that I’ve always wanted to visit.

    And now I am!!!

    Years ago I promised my mom that I’d take her to Prince Edward Island when I sold my first book. Well, it turns out that I didn’t make much on my first book. So then my promise turned into “after the second book.” Well, guess what’s coming out this August? My second book!

    This spring we both renewed are passports, and this week, I bought us tickets! We’re going to PEI!!!! I even reserved us a suite at a beautiful Victorian bed and breakfast, and we’re going to have a ball! I can’t wait!

    I mean, I have to. We’re not going for several months, but still … I’m so excited! I promise there will be pictures and general joyous celebrations. Watch out, Anne! Here we come!

    There’s a hole in my bucket … er … pocket!

    I’m in need of some serious advice!

    You see some amazingly cool friends of mine gave me a gift card to Amazon before I left Colorado. And I haven’t been able to spend it. It’s burning a hole in my pocket!  But I can’t decide what to buy with it. It’s a terrible problem to have … I know. I just don’t know what to get!

    So can you help me decide?

    Here’s what I’m thinking about getting. What’s your vote?

    When In Rome

    The Great Mouse Detective (Mystery in the Mist Edition)

    Burn Notice: Season Three

    How to Train Your Dragon (Heroic Misadventures of Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III)

    Emma (2009)

    Robin Hood: Season Three

    Too many options, and I can’t seem to make a decision to save my life this week. 🙂 So what do you think?

    Friday Favorite – Stuff Christians Like

    I like funny things. Comedies, comedians, and comic strips. I love them all. And I especially love humor that relates to my life.

    Enter Stuff Christians Like, a tongue-in-cheek blog about … you guessed it … stuff Christians like. Author Jon Acuff shares daily humor about life in the American Christian culture.  One of my first and favorite posts is titled: Understanding how metrosexual your worship leader is. (A Handy Guide) The quiz helps you gauge the worship leader at your church based on his hair cut and product, choice of facial hair, and the trendiness of his eyewear.

    And then there are serious Wednesdays, when Jon offers his unique commentary on slightly more serious issues.

    Smart and funny, these blog posts tickle me, I think because this blog takes topics familiar to the churches I’ve attended through the years, and makes them funnier and more outrageous than I first thought.

    Now, I think it should be said, that Jon is a Christian. He’s not hating on Christ or Christians, but rather putting a satirical twist on the culture that has emerged in today’s church. And he’s really very funny!

    When characters shift shapes …

    Right this very minute I’m supposed to be writing a book. Specifically my third book, which is tentatively titled Code of Justice.

    Now I think it’s only fair to point out that I’m actually not writing it. Because, clearly I’m writing this blog. Funny how that works.

    So my new hero is named Jeremy, and from the moment he popped into my mind he looked far too much like James Franco for his own good. I’ve always thought James is quite an attractive guy.


    But the more I’ve been writing, the more I’ve been thinking that Jeremy just doesn’t look much like James. Jeremy smiles far too often and is just a bit too goofy. He jokes and teases and is generally unlike nearly every charcter I’ve ever seen James play. I just couldn’t get them to line up in my mind, even though I still like James and think he’s an amazing actor.  

    But how could I possibly replace James? Who could step in in my mind as a Jeremy look-a-like?

    Last night it hit my like lightning. Meet Michael Trucco.


    He’s had lots of roles on shows like One Tree Hill, Battlestar Galactica, and more. I first saw him in an endearing role in the Lifetime made for TV movie, Perfect Romance. This guy sets my heart to buzzing, and I know he’ll make a better Jeremy in my mind.

    There’s a little sneak peek into my next project, due on shelves in Spring 2011. Due to my editor much sooner than that! So I’m back to work.

    Teaser Tuesday – Woods Runner

    teaser_tuesdays1MizB of Should Be Reading hosts the Teaser Tuesdays weekly event

    Here are the rules:
    * Grab your current read
    * Let the book fall open to a random page
    * Share with us two (2) “teaser” sentences from that page, somewhere between lines 7 and 12
    *You also need to share the title of the book that you’re getting your “teaser” from … that way people can have some great book recommendations if they like the teaser you’ve given!
    * Please avoid spoilers!

    This week’s teaser is:
    ” They had been taken away. They had not been killed. He clung to that thought–they had not been killed.”
    pg. 29  – Woods Runner by Gary Paulsen

    – Penned by Gary Paulsen, award-winning author of Hatchet and other books for young adults, Woods Runner is the incredible story of 13-year-old Samuel, who lives in the British colony of Pennsylvania in 1776. When his parents are kidnapped by Indians and British redcoats, he tracks them through the woods that have become his home. Will he be able to rescue them in time? I’m loving this historical, rich with detail and quite a unique voice. Especially recommended for young guys, who are harder to find books for.


    Friday Favorite – Old Friends

    Nothing puts the importance of good friends on your mind like having to start over. When I recently moved across the country for a new job, I knew a grand total of 3 people in Nashville. Yup. Just 3. So on top of starting a new job, finding a new church (among the 14,000 located  in the 2 miles between my home and office), and trying to write a book, I have to make new friends.

    Now, before you go thinking that the people here are mean,  they’re not. They’re like the opposite of mean. Which is kind and generous and fun and really very cool. Some very nifty folks have invited me out to lunches, joined me for flood clean up days, and welcomed me with open arms to a small group Bible study, even though I hadn’t even been to their church yet. I like the people here, and I’m sure that very shortly, I will become very good friends with many of them.

    But this interim thing is killing me!

    I spend most of my day overanalyzing the littlest thing, to the point that I’m not even sure I’m actually acting like myself most of the time. I worry about saying the right thing. Doing the right thing. Wearing the right thing.

    What if I don’t watch the right tv shows? Or we don’t have anything in common? Will I be lonely forever? Will anyone ever join me for an all-day Jane Austen-a-thon again? Will anyone come visit my desk claiming it’s just to say hi, but really it’s to visit the chocolate-filled moose?

    Heavy questions, that I’m sure I needn’t worry about. I know that to make a friend, you have to be a friend. But the making takes time. Memories build life-long friendships, and I haven’t had time to make many here yet.

    For that reason, I want to give a shout-out to all of my old friends. To my Captain Wentworth-loving, miniature golf-playing, Pioneer Woman queso-eating (and making), killer uno-winning, fool-proof plan-plotting friends, I love you and I miss you! You’ll always be favorites in my book!