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  • Friday Favorite – Being Available for Preorder!

    In the life of every author there’s a moment of pure joy that makes all the hours of brainstorming and nail biting and hair pulling worth it. It’s the moment when you realize that your book is finally, actually, truly available to be purchased. That happened for me this week when I realized that my next book, Vanishing Act, is available for preorder on Amazon.com and CBD.com! It officially releases August 10, but it looks like CBD might start shipping them out at the beginning of August.

    I don’t have any cover art to share yet (but I’ve seen the first draft, and it looks AWE-some!) but I can still give you a sneak preview about the book. Here’s the synopsis:

    Eighteen months ago, Nora James watched as her father was shot in
    an alley-and then she fled. She changed her name, her appearance
    and her job, hoping to keep her father’s shooter at bay. For months,
    it worked…but now her luck has run out. A ruthless assassin is on
    her trail, and soon Nora, now known as Danielle, will be found. But
    this time, she has FBI agent Nate Andersen by her side-right? The
    handsome agent would give his life to protect Danielle, but he’s wary
    of giving his heart…until a deadly confrontation leaves him with
    both on the line.

    Stay tuned this spring and summer for giveaways to celebrate the release. So glad to get to share this with you. 🙂

    An Ode to the PPLD

    Oh, Pikes Peak Library District,
    dear Pikes Peak Library District.
    Your kindness is incredible,
    your patience is …

    Well, okay. I’m not so good with poetry, so I’ll put an end to my terrible ode and just tell you why I love the library, specifically the one here in Colorado Springs.

    So I’ve been waiting … not patiently at all … to read a YA that came out last year. I’ve put it on my Paperback Swap wishlist, but to no avail. So I finally looked it up in my libraries online catalog. But they didn’t have it.

    Sad day.

    I was lamenting this fact to Katie the other day, and she suggested that I might try seeing if the library would order the book for me. What a novel concept. I had no idea that libraries would do that for just one patron–especially one who lost a book last year and sometimes forgets to return books on time.

    I called them, and a lovely resource librarian there put in my request for the book. And if the library decides to order it, it’ll be here in 2 months. AND it will automatically be put on my hold list when it arrives.

    Talk about excellent customer service.

    So thank you, PPLD. I will honor you by not concluding my ode until next time.

    Monday Movie – Emma

    What is it about Jane Austen’s stories that make nearly every girl I know giddy as a schoolgirl? Is it the strong emma-coverheroines? Or the gorgeous dresses? Or the beyond belief heroes?

    My money is on the hero.

    Especially in the brand new PBS Masterpiece Theater production of Jane Austen’s Emma.

    Some might say that Austen’s Emma is her least likeable heroine. A headstrong matchmaker who can’t seem to pull her nose out of everyone else’s lovelives, Emma Woodhouse (masterfully played by Romola Garai) is matched in her wit and poise only by Mr. Knightley (handsome as ever Johnny Lee Miller). Sixteen years Emma’s senior, Knightley is a lifetime friend of the family, whose brother is married to Emma’s sister.

    The worst scene in the 4-hour miniseries is also the most powerful as Knightley chides Emma for her cruel tongue toward a fellow picinic goer, a poor spinster. Though it breaks my heart no matter what rendition of the movie I see, it shows more than anything else that Knightley loves her.

    Oh, to have a man of integrity, character, and humor. Perhaps that’s why Ms. Austen’s heroes are so appealing.

    emma-1Now available on dvd, don’t miss out on the newest addition to the library of Austen classics.

    As for me, Katie, Steph, and Amy, we had a great time watching this on Saturday afternoon. Even though it included dodging the relentless rays of the sun coming through the windows above the television, which turned into finding creative seating in the living room.

    So while the movie was fantastic and the company lovely, the best part of the day was the Pioneer Woman Queso Dip provided by Steph. A-MAZING!

    Wishing you all the Austen you can handle until next time.

    Friday Favorite – Sienna Commercials

    When my sister told me she and her husband were thinking about getting a minivan, I had a good chuckle. My trendy sister and fire-fighter/weight-lifter brother-in-law driving around in a minivan. It doesn’t exactly fit in my mind … but well … with another baby on the way necessitating a third car seat, Hannah says there just isn’t enough room in their little SUV for all the kids. Hence the minivan.

    I suggested one with wood paneling. Hannah said probably not. Apparently that’s not “cool” enough for them.

    In light of Hannah and John’s new purchase, I thought I’d share my absolute favorite new commercials: the family with the Toyota Sienna.

    I hope you enjoy these as much as I do.

    I hope Hannah and John’s new ride matches their awesomeness!

    Why I Gave Up The Bachelor


    Confession: I’ve been a faithful watcher of The Bachelor and Bachelorette over the past years. I’ve only missed a couple seasons, but I’ve been really stuck on it over the last several seasons because the producers at ABC are very sneaky. Instead of selecting new Bachelors and Bachelorettes from outside the world Bachelor world, producers keep selecting previously rejected guys and gals.

    So what happens is that the viewers get emotionally invested in certain cast members, so when they return for later seasons, we feel compelled to watch their stories.

    Now I’m not claiming that The Bachelor is any sort of high-class, mentally-stimulating television, but it certainly is an interesting look at the desire to be in love and just how far people will go for 15 minutes of fame. And, of course, with each new episode comes “the most dramatic rose ceremony, EVER!” What’s not to love about that?

    My friends and roommates are also big fans of the show, so up until the most recent season, we spent a couple hours every Monday night trying to figure out which of the 25 Bachelorettes our Bachelor will select.

    But this season I decided to take myself out of that usual rhythm. Even though I watched Jillian dismiss Jake last season, I chose not to get invested in Jake’s search for the woman of his dreams. Not that I don’t like Jake–in fact I find him one of the best choices for Bachelor in many seasons. I just realized that I was spending 2 hours every week watching a show that would just suck me in for another 2 hours every week next season and the next and the next.

    Now that Jake’s season is almost over, I can look back on the last several weeks grateful for the hours I’ve saved. I don’t really feel like I’ve missed out on anything, even though Amy and Katie and Steph area still watching it. I hear things every now and then, but it’s a really freeing feeling not being caught up in a story that experience tells us will likely end badly for Jake and his chosen.

    I highly recommend giving up something you don’t need and freeing up some time for something you should do. In my case something like … writing. 🙂

    Teaser Tuesday – A Passion Most Pure

    teaser_tuesdays1MizB of Should Be Reading hosts the Teaser Tuesdays weekly event

    Here are the rules:
    * Grab your current read
    * Let the book fall open to a random page
    * Share with us two (2) “teaser” sentences from that page, somewhere between lines 7 and 12
    *You also need to share the title of the book that you’re getting your “teaser” from … that way people can have some great book recommendations if they like the teaser you’ve given!
    * Please avoid spoilers!

    This week’s teaser is:
    “The tension in her body melted at the soothing sound of Mrs. Gerson’s voice, then seized in her chest as she jolted up in the bed. Collin … Charity … married. The thought of it was too much, and a choked sob wrenched from her lips.”
    pg. 163   – A Passion Most Pure by Julie Lessman

    – This book has come highly recommended, and even though I just started it, I totally see why. It’s a great start to an award-winning trilogy called The Daughters of Boston. I’m so glad my library had it for me to check out.


    Friday Favorite – Men from my favorite movies!

    I saw this on my friend Kaye’s blog, and it made me smile–no mean feat since I’ve picked up whatever has been making Amy cough up a lung all week. Thanks for the grin, Kaye. Hope everyone else enjoys this little montage of some of my favorite guys from Jane Austen and other period dramas. I think Bingley’s delightfully high hair made me smile the hardest. Of course, the inclusion of Mr. Rupert Penry-Jones from Persuasion automatically puts this on my favorites list.

    What are you watching?

    Have you been enjoying the Olympics this week? I sure have!

    I haven’t exactly made a secret of the fact that Evan Lysacek is one of my favorite figure skaters (if you don’t remember my previous post about him, check it out here), and last night he certainly didn’t disappoint. If you missed the Men’s Short Program, you missed some great skating. There was some okay skating. Then some good skating. A few great perfomances … and then the cream of the crop!

    At the end of the night, reigning World Champion Evan Lysacek is in 2nd place going into the Free Skate tomorrow night. In honor of his fantastic skating that had Amy and me on the edge of our seats, almost as if we were watching a football game, I would like to share a video of his Free Skate from last year’s World Championships in L.A., where he won the title. To win again tomorrow night, Evan will likely employ this strategy, executing each jump and spin with precision and artistry.

    And in case you don’t follow men’s figure skating closely (but why wouldn’t you?), the last US man to win Worlds and then go on to win an Olympic gold was Scott Hamilton in 1984. It’s about time, huh?

    Enjoy Evan’s performance … and the Olympics!

    Friday Favorite – A Vanlentine’s Wish

    a-valentines-wishI told you last week that I was reading A Valentine’s Wish by my good friend Betsy St. Amant. I confess that I kept getting interrupted while reading the first 11 chapters. I was frustrated that I didn’t have time to get lost in it. But then I came across this wonderful scene where our hero Andy and heroine Lori have a movie night and almost kiss. The romantic tension is palpable, and it’s so sweet!  From that time on, I practically locked myself in my room until I finished the book. I wasn’t going to delay my enjoyment any more.

    What a perfect read for Valentine’s Day. While I really liked Betsy’s first book from Love Inspired, Return to Love, I think A Valentine’s Wish is even better! It’s a classic love story of best friends with mixed signals. Their friendship is the most important thing to them, and the fear of injuring that friendship throws a wrench in Andy’s plans for love.

    In honor of Valentine’s Day, I’m happy to share with you a short interview with Betsy St. Amant:

    What’s your favorite Valentine’s Day candy?
    I LOVE the SweetTart brand hearts with the messages written on them They just taste so much better than the old fashioned chalky ones! lol Now I want some, just talking about them!

    What’s the sweetest Valentine’s Day gift you’ve ever received?
    Hard question! I’ve gotten some nice things over the years. Roses, jewelry, candy, etc. Probably the sweetest was the year he sent me roses at work. I’d always wanted flowers delivered at work and never had that honor until then! It was a fun moment. I have to say though, I’ve been married five years though and I think the best holidays we’ve celebrated together have been the years we didn’t have much money and tried to get homemade and creative instead of blowing a bunch of cash on material items. (but of course, I have to admit, the material items are fun too!! lol) One thing is tried and true though, my husband will always get me a Snoopy Valentine card. betsy-st-amant1Snoopy is my favorite, and I can depend on that! =)

    Did you celebrate Valentine’s Day when you were single?
    I did, actually! As a child, teenager and young woman living at home, my parents always gave me some of my favorite candy and a fun surprise, like new socks or a bracelet or something nice to let me know they loved me. It was very thoughtful and sweeet and I plan on passing that tradition on to my baby girl! I already have her a sack full of goodies waiting for the big V-day!

    Why is your husband such a great valentine?
    I think my husband is a great valentine because he’s not your stereotypical romantic kind of guy…he’s an outdoorsman, a daredevil, a hunter and fisherman, a fireman, a real manly-man who’d rather go mud-riding on a four wheeler or chop down a tree than “talk about his feelings” or any of that stuff he finds mushy. ::grin:: But despite that, he’ll still make time to watch the occasional chick flick with me, buy my favorite candy at the store just because, or surprise me by involving our daugther in a homemade card. His romantic moments are that much bettter because they’re not every day, and I know they are truly from the heart! =)

    Don’t miss out on this great book! It’s a perfect Valentine’s Day gift for the woman in your life who loves to read. Available at Walmart, CBD.com, Amazon.com, and other fine retailers. Don’t miss out!

    Congrats Steph and Mark!


    Tomorrow I’m going to a first for me–a wedding at the courthouse. My good friend Stephanie is getting married in a really small ceremony. I’m really honored to have been invited. I’m looking forward to seeing how this all works. Research for a future book? Maybe. A great time with friends? Definitely!

    Anyway, join me in wishing Steph and Mark all the best. May God direct your steps and be your focus.